1: Wash your hands.
2: Remove the P-Stik from the package, and put the plastic wrapping in the garbage.
3: Place the sample cup firmly in the cup holder.
4: Grip the end of the handle and the cup holder, and angle the arms into a suitable position.
5: A right angle is best for sitting on the toilet.
6: Men may wish to extend the arm out straight.
7: Remove the lid from the cup.
8: Try not to touch the cup to your body while putting it in place to collect your pee.
9: Pee into the cup.
10: Carefully move the P-Stik so you can put the lid back on the cup.
11: Remove the cup from the P-Stik holder.
12: Put the P-Stik in the recycling bin.
13: Wash your hands.
14: Hand the cup in.
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